Monday 2 July 2012

Our new baby.......


Just 8 weeks old and a bundle of fun :)

In a moment of weakness I agreed to let the children have a puppy...
but I'm glad I did.
He's a wee Yorkie Apso and we called him Mac.

He's been showered with affection.....sometimes too much!

and it makes him dog tired:)

I'm afraid he's the reason for my lack of comments.
I can't blog and house train him at the same time.....I think he's caught on now what he's supposed to do, so I'll be catching up with you all tomorrow :)

A few days ago I mentioned that I was making a project for a blog hop.
Well, it's all happening tomorrow (Tuesday) so if you have time, come back and see.
There are some great offers to be had and you can see what I've made :)

All the best,
Sarah xx


  1. Oh Sarah, he is just adorably cute, love his name too. Have fun, you'll never regret getting him. Carolxx

  2. Oh bless! Look at those white socks :0)

    I'm getting all broody that possible with anything other than children????? lol
    Jenny x

  3. oh what a little snuggle bunny! Such a sweet little puppster!

  4. Ahhhhhhh! Sarah he is just adorable! I would love a cat/dog but my hubbie is allergic to cats and because we both work shifts he says it wouldn't be fair to keep a dog in the house all day! :-( Give him to cuddles from me please!
    Hugs, Victoria ~x~

  5. Oh how cute is he, great name too!
    Helen x

  6. Awww how adorable! Wishing you lots of lovely puppy moments!

  7. Oh Sarah, your new baby! He's just gorgeous and I can just imagine the excitement levels in your family! Enjoy every second! Vicky x

  8. O my...what a cutie! what a beautiful addition to your family...and don't worry...once the training catches on you'll be good! hehe

    PS...thanks for you sweet comment on my blog!


  9. Oh Sarah your puppy is adorable . I love the smell of new puppies , when they breath on you , This little guy is fabulous, Hugs Elaine
    Have fun


Thank you so much for visiting my blog and taking the time to leave a comment :D...Sarah xx