Sunday, 25 November 2012

Christmas Countdown Days 24 & 25

Good Morning!
My internet connection has been terrible the past couple of days
so I'm hoping it lasts long enough to get this posted!
Yesterday and today we have 2 projects from Sarah W
for Creative Craft World's Christmas Coundown.
She has made loads of gorgeous inky tags and a layout.
If you pop over to her blog you'll see them here.
Tomorrow it's my turn again and I'll be posting a tutorial
for a mini envelope book
Here's a wee sneak peek...
I hope you're all enjoying your weekend
and all being well...I'll see you tomorrow :)
Take care
Sarah xx

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to seeing your tutorial tomorrow Sarah.
    Hugs Sharon. x


Thank you so much for visiting my blog and taking the time to leave a comment :D...Sarah xx