Sunday, 11 November 2012

Day 11 Christmas Countown

Hi everyone,
Thank you for your good wishes yesterday for my hospital appointment.
I'm glad to say the nerve conduction tests were nowhere near as painful as I'd imagined,
they just stung a bit!
Unfortunately they confirmed the diagnosis of Carpal Tunnel syndrome
and it has progressed past the stage that wearing splints could help.
My next option would be steroid injections into the wrists or surgery.
I'm not keen on either but I'll have to wait and see what my own Dr says after he gets the report.
I just wish it wasn't so painful at night....
Anyway, enough of my problems!
I'm here to tell you of a fab idea Sue has for using up your older Christmas papers
to make envelopes.
You'll find the tutorial here.
Tomorrow it's my turn again and I'll be sharing some cello treat bags for Christmas.
They're part of the teachers' gifts for this year so I hope none of them are looking at my blog...
Thanks for popping in today
and hopefully I'll see you back again tomorrow :)
Enjoy the rest of your weekend,
Sarah xx


  1. Just wanted to say I hope it get's sorted soon and big hugs. Caroline xxx

  2. I'm glad the appointment wasn't as bad as you had expected. I hope that you are able to get some treatment to help the pain really soon.
    Thank you for the link to the tutorial.
    I hope you have a good sunday
    Hugs sue

  3. Oh Sarah I'm soory to hear you are suffering so. Sending love and hugs,
    Sue x

  4. This must be so frustrating for you Sarah. Do hope your GP can help. Looking forward to seeing your teachers' gifts! Hugs, Vicky x

  5. Hi Sarah
    I am sorry to hear about your pain. Hope you will get a treatment that helps you to be painless. My best wishes to you.
    Love your project.

    PS: Would you perhaps e-mail me your adress? ;-)


Thank you so much for visiting my blog and taking the time to leave a comment :D...Sarah xx